iChongqing Title

CK Asset Holdings Commits to High Standards and Cooperation for Chongqing's Growth

By KENNY DONG|Jun 18,2024

Chongqing - Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, recently inspected the Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau and Shapingba District to review the construction of Digital Chongqing and the development of a megacity governance demonstration zone.

Yuan visited the Municipal Water Resources Bureau. (Photo/Visual Chongqing)

Yuan emphasized the importance of adopting a comprehensive water resources management concept, enhancing resource sharing and cross-sector collaboration, and promoting the integrated advancement of water supply, water conservation, flood prevention, and water pollution control. He stressed the need to solidify progress towards modernized water management and governance.

In Shapingba District's Digital Urban Operation and Governance Center, Yuan reviewed the center's construction and operation status, observed demonstrations of digital flood control and digital industrial and trade safety applications, and commended the district's achievements in data aggregation and scenario applications.

Creating a demonstration zone for modern governance in megacities aims to develop new experiences in enhancing governance through digital empowerment. 

Efforts are underway to boost the practical capabilities of Chongqing's digital operation and governance center, improving a closed-loop work system that includes perception and early warning, decision-making and response, supervision and evaluation, and review and improvement. The goal is to make city governance smarter, more efficient, and more precise.

Later, Yuan met with Kam Hing Lam, Deputy Managing Director of CK Asset Holdings, and his delegation.

Yuan Jiajun met with Kam Hing Lam. (Photo/Visual Chongqing)

Yuan highlighted that Hong Kong is Chongqing's largest source of foreign investment, and the Chongqing-Hong Kong cooperation mechanism has created more favorable conditions for economic and trade collaboration. 

He pointed out that the strategic alignment between CK Hutchison Holdings and Chongqing is strong, expressing hope that both sides can build on their solid cooperative foundation and share development opportunities.

Kam thanked Chongqing for its support and shared the company's progress. He praised Chongqing's development conditions, highlighted CK Hutchison Holdings' strong cooperation with the city, and expressed optimism about its future. Kam pledged to meet high standards, expand cooperation, and contribute significantly to Chongqing's high-quality development.

CK Asset Holdings Limited, founded by Li Ka-shing, is a Hong Kong-based multinational conglomerate that operates in property development and investment, hotel management, property management, aircraft leasing, and infrastructure. 


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