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'New Chinese-Style' Fashion Boom Fuels Growth of Local Brands

By CHANG CHEN|Jun 19,2024

Chongqing—In recent years, traditional Chinese clothing has undergone a remarkable transformation, reemerging in modern society as the "new Chinese-style" fashion. By 2023, this market had soared to over 1 billion yuan, with a staggering growth rate exceeding 100% over the past three years. This resurgence is driven by a deep appreciation for traditional culture and a well-established supply chain.

On April 18, tourists dressed in Hanfu take photos by West Lake in Hangzhou. (Photo/Han Chuanhao, Xinhua)

Cultural roots of "new Chinese-style" fashion

Traditional clothing embodies cultural identity. Every country has its unique cultural symbols, and clothing is a significant carrier of these symbols. "New Chinese-style" fashion not only showcases Chinese traditional culture but also resonates with the younger generation's aesthetic appreciation and cultural confidence. This resurgence reflects a broader return to Chinese aesthetics, enriching daily attire with more elegant options.

Clothing must meet the dual needs of comfort and suitability for modern lifestyles. "New Chinese-style" garments skillfully blend traditional elements with contemporary design, using materials like silk and incorporating features such as mandarin collars and frog buttons. This fusion extends to integrating traditional motifs like the cheongsam and Chinese knots into modern fashion, achieving a deep connection between the old and new, highlighting the charm of Oriental aesthetics.

The popularity of the "new Chinese style" is driven by growing consumer support for traditional culture. These styles align with contemporary fashion standards while preserving cultural heritage. They appeal not only because of their aesthetic but also because of their cultural and symbolic significance, reflecting a demand for diverse and enriched consumer experiences.

Seizing market opportunities for local brands

Industry dynamics are evolving rapidly as "new Chinese-style" fashion gains traction. Huang Xiuying, chairman of Yihe Textile Co., Ltd., located in Chongqing’s Rongchang District, has actively expanded operations between Chongqing and Chengdu. Huang’s company, which began producing custom cheongsams and Hanfu in 2016, initially catered to customers over 40. However, the rise of "new Chinese-style" has sparked interest among younger consumers. Huang's company now produces modified cheongsams and Hanfu incorporating contemporary elements, leading to sales exceeding one million yuan and expanding their reach to new locations.

The market enthusiasm is palpable for other local brands as well. For example, the custom clothing brand "Chan Dong Fang," founded by Wei Tingting in 2013, has seen a 60% increase in customers over the past year. Their "new Chinese-style" offerings range from everyday fashion to attire suited for traditional cultural activities, appealing to a broader age group than before.

Customers select clothing at the "Chan Dong Fang" store. (Photo provided by the interviewee)

Online sales have also surged, with brands like "Zhizaosi" experiencing explosive demand since late 2022. Li Mengyuan, the co-founder, highlights that improvements in the supply chain have significantly reduced delivery times, enhancing customer satisfaction.

According to Xia Liangying, Deputy Director of the Macroeconomic Data Laboratory at Chongqing Institute of Macroeconomic Research, the rise of "new Chinese-style" fashion underscores the importance of cultural heritage and national confidence. Local brands must invest in R&D and talent development to capitalize on this trend, integrating Chinese and Sichuan-Chongqing cultural elements into their designs. Enhancing brand cultural attributes, fashion appeal, and practicality is essential for sustained growth.

However, industry experts warn of potential challenges. Li Ran, head of the Applied Economics Department at Chongqing Technology and Business University, cautions against compromising product quality for rapid expansion. Maintaining high standards is crucial for earning consumer trust and preserving the integrity of traditional culture. Building a recognizable and respected brand is vital as the market evolves toward greater accessibility and recognition.

(Qiu Xiaoya and Zhou Ying, as Chinese reporters from Chongqing Daily, also contributed to this article.)


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