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Fantasy Chongqing: Exploring the Depths of Sci-Fi Imagination in China's Mountain City


Chongqing - Surrounded by majestic mountains and crisscrossed by winding rivers, Chongqing is a city of natural beauty and urban marvels. Behind its enchanting 8D landscape lies a rich tapestry of human experiences and urban vitality. Now, as the backdrop for the groundbreaking sci-fi graphic collection, "Fantasy Chongqing," the city unveils its unique cultural essence and urban spirit through the eyes of eleven visionary science fiction writers.

Among these creative minds is Luo Lin, known by her pen name Earl E, a native of Chongqing whose recent work, The Traceless Sword, brings a fresh perspective to the city's historical narrative. Departing from conventional tales of wartime or ancient legends, Earl E delves into the mysteries of Fishing Fortress in Hechuan District, a site steeped in historical intrigue.

"In planning 'Fantasy Chongqing,' we wanted to avoid retreading familiar ground," says Earl E, reflecting on her creative process. "I sought out Fishing Fortress as a lesser-known historical site, rich with untapped potential for storytelling."

Her story imagines a world where ancient conflicts intertwine with futuristic technologies, offering a gripping tale of revenge, sacrifice, and resilience—a testament to the indomitable spirit of Chongqing's people.

Earl E's creative process was deeply intertwined with her exploration of Fishing Fortress. "The first time I visited, I was more of a tourist, soaking in the atmosphere and historical markers," she recalls. "But subsequent visits allowed me to envision the terrain and atmosphere more vividly, enriching my storytelling."

With meticulous attention to detail, Earl E embarked on two immersive visits to the site, allowing its storied past to inform her imaginative vision. "Each visit deepened my connection to Chongqing's history and culture," she adds.

"The Traceless Sword" is not Earl E's first foray into Chongqing's rich tapestry of stories. Her earlier work, "Chongqing Labyrinths: Strange Events in the Mist," garnered acclaim for its imaginative depiction of the city during the late Qing Dynasty.

"Now, with my sights set on contemporary Chongqing, I aim to further explore the city's surface and inner space," says Earl E, hinting at her future creative endeavors.

Indeed, "Fantasy Chongqing" heralds a new era of cultural exploration and creative expression for the city. By delving into Chongqing's local culture and historical legacies, the anthology breathes new life into age-old stories, enriching the city's cultural tapestry and inviting readers to rediscover its hidden depths.

"With 'Fantasy Chongqing' as a catalyst, a new chapter unfolds in the city's cultural evolution," the writer concludes. "Through collaboration among writers and publishing units, Chongqing's fantasy literature finds a platform to flourish, enriching the city's cultural narrative and preserving its unique spirit for generations to come."

(Han Bing, and Li Tao, as interns, also contributed to the report)


New Era, New Journey, New Chongqing

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