iChongqing Title

Smart Logistics Propels Industrial Export | Let's Meet ⑬

By NAIYI, YANG|Jun 23,2024

Chongqing- The first all-English international broadcast program in Chongqing, "Let's Meet," produced by the Western China International Communication Organization, will be aired on Chongqing Satellite TV on June 22.

Smart Logistics Propels Industrial Export

When we talk about Chongqing's journey to the global market, logistics is a crucial part of the process. Modern logistics is not just about transporting goods anymore. With smart management, it enhances efficiency and speeds up Chongqing's exports. In today’s "Bridging News," we’ll visit modern logistics companies and see how they use smart logistics to support the real economy.

Exclusive Interview with the Mayor of Saratoga

Silicon Valley, the global hub of technological innovation, is always in the spotlight. Today, we’re honored to interview Ms. Yan Zhao, the Mayor of Saratoga, where Silicon Valley is located. As a Chinese-American, Mayor Zhao shares her insights on promoting green development in Silicon Valley and her deep understanding of China-American cultural exchange.

Michael Crook Returns to Bishan to Retrace His Mother’s Footsteps

Today’s iChongqing brings a very touching story. Michael Crook is the son of the renowned anthropologist Isabel Crook. In this episode, Michael will take us on a journey to trace the profound legacy his mother left in China. Isabel Crook was not only an outstanding educator but also a pioneer in English teaching in China. Let’s follow Michael’s steps to Xinglongchang in Bishan, Chongqing, to revisit this heartwarming story that spans time and space. 

Baseball Girl Yuan Siping

Baseball isn't a very popular sport in Chongqing, but with Chongqing’s international development, more and more people are getting into baseball. In today’s "Faces of Chongqing," we’ll meet a passionate and dedicated baseball girl, Yuan Siping. Yuan Siping is not only a seasoned baseball player but also an entrepreneur committed to promoting baseball. Promoting such a niche sport in Chongqing must be quite challenging. 

Italian Vlogger Michele Ponte Experiences the Yangtze River Cableway

The Yangtze River cableway used to be a regular means of transportation for Chongqing residents and has now become a must-visit tourist attraction. Michele Ponte, an Italian vlogger with over 100,000 followers on YouTube, is visiting Chongqing. Today, he’ll experience the Yangtze River cableway. 

Unique Buildings Perched Atop Bridges

People love to describe Chongqing as "magical," but just how magical is it? It might be beyond your imagination. The specially designed buildings perched atop bridges are a sight you won’t see anywhere else but in Chongqing. A prominent Twitter influencer shared a video that garnered 138.7k views and sparked lively discussions.

"Let's Meet" airs every Wednesday and Saturday at 18:00 on Chongqing TV and is broadcast on various global platforms such as the Bridging News app, iChongqing website, WeChat Channels, WeChat Public Account, Weibo, YouTube, X (Former Twitter), and Facebook.




New Era, New Journey, New Chongqing

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