iChongqing Title

China Opposes EU Listing Chinese Firms in Sanctions Against Russia

By Xinhua|Jun 27,2024

The European Union flags in front of EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. (Photo/Xinhua)

Beijing - China on Wednesday voiced strong dissatisfaction with and firm opposition to the European Union's recent move to include Chinese firms on its list of sanctions against Russia.

Despite repeated dissuasion from China, the EU has included Chinese companies in its 14th package of sanctions against Russia, according to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce.

"These are unilateral sanctions and constitute long-arm jurisdiction. They have no basis in international law and are not authorized by the United Nations Security Council," the spokesperson said.

The move goes against the consensus reached by the leaders of China and the EU, negatively impacting China-EU economic and trade relations, the spokesperson noted.

China urges the EU to unconditionally cease the inclusion of Chinese enterprises on its sanctions list, the spokesperson said, adding that China will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese firms.


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