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Chongqing Museums See Visitor Surge after Reservation Lifted

By YAN DENG|Jul 31,2024

Chongqing -  During the first weekend following the cancellation of the reservation requirement, Chongqing's free museums saw a significant increase in visitors between July 20 and 21. How are the visitors responding to the transition from "reservation required" to "walk-in welcome"?

On July 22, the Chongqing Natural History Museum, one of the city's top-tier museums, released data from the previous weekend, revealing nearly 10,000 visitors per day on average, a one-third increase compared to previous figures.

The museum's life evolution exhibition hall showcases the dinosaur era through a combination of fossil specimens, restoration installations, and scene spray paintings. (Photo/Zhang Jinhui)

Other museums in the city that have also removed the booking requirement, such as the Chongqing Industrial Museum, Bashu Ancient Architecture Museum, Banan District Museum, and Nan'an District Museum, reported similar increases in attendance.

Youth flocking to museums

Children are frequent museum visitors during the summer holidays, and the removal of booking requirements has particularly benefited this group. 

"Before, when I wanted to go to the museum, my dad always said he couldn't get a booking on weekends. Now he doesn't have an excuse," said Wang Xinbo, who visited the Chongqing Natural History Museum.

His father, Wang Yu, shared his experience of preparing for the visit by studying the museum's exhibitions and brushing up on dinosaur knowledge to better engage with his son.

A primary school student wears a VR headset at the Dadukou District Museum on April 11. (Photo/Zheng Ran)

Zhou Yuelin and Zhang Yufeng, two middle school students, visited the museum by city metro. "Our school assigned us a museum visit as homework. When we heard we no longer needed reservations, we decided to come together," they explained.

Despite visiting without adult supervision, the two students managed their visit efficiently, recording the information they needed for their assignments. "We can look at whatever we want for as long as we want without our parents rushing us to the next exhibit," said Zhou Yuelin. The pair planned to spend the entire day exploring the dinosaur hall.

According to Gao Bichun, director of the Chongqing Natural History Museum, the first weekend without reservations saw a noticeable increase in unaccompanied youth visitors. "Many come in groups, sharing common interests, forming what can be called a small community of like-minded museum enthusiasts," Gao said.

Spontaneous visits

For cultural enthusiasts, visiting museums is often a key objective when traveling to a new city. 

Zhang Yuelin, a tourist from Wuhan city, represents this group. "Before I left, Chongqing hadn't announced the no-reservation policy. I was thrilled to hear about it just as I arrived in Chongqing. It felt like a special gift from the city," Zhang said while visiting the Chongqing Industrial Museum. She had prepared a detailed itinerary for visiting Chongqing's museums, but the new policy allowed her to linger in each museum without worrying about reservation times.

The Chongqing Natural History Museum pioneers the use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology to "resurrect" fossil specimens. (Photo/Chongqing Natural History Museum)

Fang Huawei, who traveled from Guizhou Province with his family, also praised the new policy, "Being able to transition from scenic spots to nearby museums seamlessly has not only enriched our knowledge but also catered to the diverse interests of our family."

The cancellation of museum reservations in Chongqing has made the city's museums "popular attractions" among tourists. However, the enduring appeal of museums continues to be driven by high-quality exhibitions and engaging activities.

A Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development representative stated that the city is implementing several measures to transform these "popular attractions" into "cultural gems." First, museums are encouraged to collaborate on exhibitions and loan exhibits to create high-quality, original displays. Additionally, there is a strong push for museums to transition from physical to digital spaces, with efforts to accelerate the construction of the "Chongqing Online Museum," thus expanding the reach of museum content. Finally, innovative approaches such as stage performances, immersive experiences, and virtual exhibitions are being employed to enhance visitor engagement.

Art experience

In addition to young people and cultural enthusiasts, many visit museums in the summer heat to enjoy the space. For them, museums offer an ideal setting for leisurely exploration and photography.

The Guo Moruo Memorial Hall in Shapingba District has recently seen an influx of visitors. The "Mi Fu and His Era" exhibition is a significant draw, as is the hall's classical architecture.

A search for "museum" on social media platforms yields not only exhibition announcements and artifacts but also carefully composed photographs, highlighting another reason for visiting museums: capturing the moment.

Chongqing Times Art Museum exhibition site. (Photo/Chongqing Times Art Museum)

Wang Ya, a young woman born in the 1990s, donned a black, modern Chinese-style jacket to match the exhibition environment at the Guo Moruo Memorial Hall. She and her companions were inspired by photos shared on social media, where many young people capture stunning images at museums. Thus, they planned a weekend visit to the memorial hall near their school to explore the exhibits and take photos.

While Wang was still selecting her shooting locations, Zhou Yue, dressed in hanfu, had already snapped several photos in the exhibition hall. "The architecture here is very distinctive, like stepping back into Chongqing a hundred years ago," Zhou said. She appreciated the unique architecture that provides a sense of traveling through time. "I originally thought visiting a less popular museum would avoid the crowds, but it seems even these museums are now bustling with visitors," she added.


New Era, New Journey, New Chongqing

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